Well...the room is done, car seat installed, diaper bag packed (but not hospital bag...Im procrastinating), pack and play set up, swing put together, clothes washed...all we need is a baby boy. We are ready to go! We are getting so excited to meet this little one but it feels like its forever away. In all reality, its really close! I was just telling Brad the other day that I feel like a ticking time bomb. It could happen at any time. We are full term and if he were born today, it would most likely be with no complications and everyone would be happy but its best for his brain and lung development to stay in until NEXT Tuesday when we hit 39 weeks. The selfish part of me wants him out now...the mommy part of me wants him to stay in till his due date.
I am officially working from home exclusively. I get to sit around in sweat pants all day and talk to people on the phone on my couch. The dogs are loving it. They get to sit next to me and sleep all day instead of having to be in their crates. My last day of work is October 7th (next Friday). As much as I know we need the money, I would be perfectly happy to start my leave now. Its hard to commit totally to work when you are so excited about the future.
We have had some excitement this week but not on the baby front. My mom had her Gallbladder taken out a couple of weeks ago and hasnt been feeling well. She went to the walk in clinic on Sunday and she was so jaundiced that they sent her straight to the hospital. They thought she might have had a gallstone stuck in her bile duct so they admitted her and did a procedure yesterday to get it removed. When they went in there, they didnt find anything so they figured that she might have passed it. I spent some time at the hospital with her both Monday and yesterday and she definitely wasnt feeling well still. They decided to keep her again last night and see how she was feeling today. Hopefully she will get to go home tonight...I know my dad misses her at home. Im also hoping that they are right about her passing the stone. They are going to check her Liver enzymes today and see her body is doing everything right again or if something else might be wrong. I dont like seeing her in pain and not feeling well.
So we are on weekly appointments now. I have had 3 appointments since my last post. My 36 and 37 week appointments were uneventful. They didnt do any internal exams at all. Ive basically been told to slow down by the doctors. I guess I dont feel like I do all that much but the swelling in my hands and feet say otherwise. I feel like such a bum when I lay around the house. I dont know how people on bed rest do it (Im talking to you Lindsey McKinley! You are a CHAMP!). I want to be able to get up and get food and drinks...to go out to the store when I need it and to play with my dogs. I want to make sure everything is ready for the baby to come home...but thats too much. So Ive been spending more time on the couch (working from home especially) and less time running around. Anyway, between my 35 and 36 week appointment, I gained 8 pounds...8!!!! So I took my doctors advice and layed around the whole day after my appointment and weighed myself the next morning...I had lost 5 pounds of water weight. So I guess there is something to laying around.
My 38 week appointment was yesterday. I had my first internal exam since 35 weeks where I was not dilated and 50% effaced. I am now a fingertip dilated and 70% effaced. Yay for progress! She also mentioned that his head was REALLY low. Im definitely glad to hear that...Ive heard stories about people who end up with c sections because the baby never dropped low enough. C sections arent bad things...in fact it would give me 2 extra weeks of paid leave but in the ideal world, I would prefer an uncomplicated vaginal delivery. I will have another internal exam on Monday at my next appointment and hopefully we will have a little more progress.
People keep telling me that I look great for being 38 weeks. Brad cant seem to figure out why I look so much smaller than other people. I figure its because I have a long torso and he has more room grow than a lot of people. I dont really feel that great...I kinda feel like a cow most of the time. I am REALLY hoping not to hit 200 pounds and but Im getting close.
How far along? 38 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 45 lbs...
Sleep: Ummmm...okay. I had a weird dream last night that work me up (not baby related at all) and it kept me up for an extra 45 min.
Best moment this week: Progress!!
Movement: I think he has turned around and is facing forwards now (Yay for no back labor!) so Im feeling more movement. My anterior placenta shields his hands but I feel his feet in my upper right and his head/body way down low.
Food cravings: Cherry Limeades, ice cream...I dunno.
Gender: Boy
Belly Button in or out? Out...but I can push on it and make it flat (his butt is right above my belly button)
What I miss: I was cooking dinner the other night and really wanted a glass of red wine to drink while I was cooking. But Brad wont let me...
What I am looking forward to: Feeling relatively normal again.
Milestones: Nothing really I dont think...hitting 38 weeks?

Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Daddy's Turn! Yea thats right im finally doing another post!
So not sure where to begin since its been so long since I last posted. Al is doing well and things seem to be going good for the most part. The second trimester flew by exept right at 6 months it seemed like things just stopped and it felt like it had been so long since we found out and we still were not even close to the due date, then things started to slowly go by and now all of the sudden here we are in last trimester at 37 weeks. Now time is standing still again, this last month seems to be just dragging on. I cant wait for him to be here and I know Al cant wait either.
I feel really bad for her right now as her feet swell and her back labor is starting I find myself helpless because there is nothing i can do to ease her pain except stay on her about not doing anything at all except rest rest rest. Not only that but there have been a lot of other things that have gone on and so we are all starting to place bets on whether she goes early or on due date or maybe late.
We did have a hospital trip a few weeks ago because of her timetable contractions for a consecutive 24 hours, however they just monitored everything, gave her fluids and shots to stop the contractions. The reality check however was kinda nice because it gave us a first hand look at what to expect when we do have to go in for real.
Al is ready as she says every day she is ready for him to be here because of the pain she is in and the wonderful prego symptoms of swelling and back labor and ect that has onset pretty fast this last week or so. We did have a doc appt now that we are on weekly visits. The doc told her she needed to work from home and stay off her feet to get the swelling down. It worked a bit but Al is stuborn and I cant get her to stop doing things around here that I can do. Im just gonna have to put the foot down from now on and not let her do anything, she just needs to rest ( yes dear that is what i said, cuz i know your reading this, REST)!
So that is about all I can come up with at this point, very excited, nervous, anxious, and scared all at the same time, but cant wait for my son to come into this world so I can meet him.
P.S. Al, REST for the next 3 weeks and Let me be a good husband and take care of everything else my love!
I feel really bad for her right now as her feet swell and her back labor is starting I find myself helpless because there is nothing i can do to ease her pain except stay on her about not doing anything at all except rest rest rest. Not only that but there have been a lot of other things that have gone on and so we are all starting to place bets on whether she goes early or on due date or maybe late.
We did have a hospital trip a few weeks ago because of her timetable contractions for a consecutive 24 hours, however they just monitored everything, gave her fluids and shots to stop the contractions. The reality check however was kinda nice because it gave us a first hand look at what to expect when we do have to go in for real.
Al is ready as she says every day she is ready for him to be here because of the pain she is in and the wonderful prego symptoms of swelling and back labor and ect that has onset pretty fast this last week or so. We did have a doc appt now that we are on weekly visits. The doc told her she needed to work from home and stay off her feet to get the swelling down. It worked a bit but Al is stuborn and I cant get her to stop doing things around here that I can do. Im just gonna have to put the foot down from now on and not let her do anything, she just needs to rest ( yes dear that is what i said, cuz i know your reading this, REST)!
So that is about all I can come up with at this point, very excited, nervous, anxious, and scared all at the same time, but cant wait for my son to come into this world so I can meet him.
P.S. Al, REST for the next 3 weeks and Let me be a good husband and take care of everything else my love!
Monday, September 12, 2011
Home Stretch
Its amazing how quickly the last 36 weeks have gone by...and now they have completely slowed down. We only have 4 weeks left before our due date but this last week has felt like FOREVER long. I knew it would be that way but I was hoping it might move a little faster. Since our hospital visit, we have had two appointments. The first one was just a normal appointment. Pee in a cup, weight, blood pressure, baby's heart rate, any questions? At this appointment, the doctor said that as long as I wasnt having more than 6 contractions in an hour and they werent painful, just drink a lot of water and everything will be fine. Of course, my body is difficult and had anything from 4 in an hour to 10 in an hour but I refused to go back into the hospital. I figure I know my body and I would know if something was really wrong. Everything is fine and dandy now.
My last appointment was a little more eventful. I had to get a Group B Strep swab. Group B Strep is present in 30% of women and doesnt cause any symptoms at all. However, if you are positive and the baby comes in contact with it (vaginal delivery), it can cause issues with the baby. So if you are positive, you have to be on IV antibiotics when you go into labor for at least 4 hrs before the baby is born. I am hoping to not have an IV of any kind (just a Heparin Lock) so being GBS positive would stop that plan. Luckily, Im negative! So as of now, no IV! My doctor also performed my first internal exam (with the exception of when they checked during my hospital visit). At 35 weeks, I am not dilated but I am 50% effaced. I was a little surprised to have any progress at all but the real test will come if I have made any more progress. We will probably find out at my appointment on Thursday if anything has changed.
Ive been having more cramping and pain with my normal contractions over the last week. I definitely feel them in my low back and low stomach. I know its just my body practicing and I dont have to breathe through them at all. But they do give me a chance to practice some of the breathing techniques we learned in our birthing classes. They are definitely there more often when I go into work instead of working from home. I think its because when Im at home, I can put my feet up and get comfortable instead of sitting upright all day in an office chair. I will probably start working from home exclusively either next week or the week after. As of now, my first official day of maternity leave is October 7th. Anyway, Baby Abel has also been moving around a little more often over the last few days. The only problem with that is that its starting to get painful when he moves around instead of enjoyable. Sharp kicks and punches are not as much fun. And at some points, it feels like he stretches out so much that he puts pressure on some nerve or something in my lower middle back. It feels like someone is stabbing my back...not so fun.
We have also made some progress in getting ready for the baby to come home. Brad installed the car seat the other day and we washed the covers and everything. I packed up the diaper bag (that my awesome Aunt and Uncle gave us) with what we have. We still need some travel wipes and things like that and Im not going to pack clothes in there till I know how big he is going to be. I printed out a list of things to pack for our hospital bag but we are still missing some things to pack so I havent started on it quite yet. We will be purchasing those items this weekend and finalize everything we are bringing with us. We are almost there! Brad and I are definitely getting more anxious and ready to go. Im sure the next 4 weeks will DRAG on.
Brad actually tried to log on one night and put another post up but after writing a long 45 min post, it somehow got deleted and he gave up. Im gonna bug him till he does it again. I love getting his insight :).
How far along? 36 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 38 lbs...Definitely retaining water (yucky swollen feet)
Sleep: Still up to pee a lot but now its harder to get back to sleep. That could be because its an act of God to roll over these days.
Best moment this week: GBS negative!!
Movement: Starting to hurt but glad he is moving around.
Food cravings: Still Cherry Limeades...someone mentioned doughnut holes earlier today and they sounded DELICIOUS!
Gender: Boy...still
Belly Button in or out? Out
What I miss: Seeing my feet...Im so over being pregnant.
What I am looking forward to: Believe it or not, seeing my sweet husband's face when he gets to hold his little boy for the first time.
Milestones: Full Term!!
And I will leave you with a picture of my sweet baby boy. :)
My last appointment was a little more eventful. I had to get a Group B Strep swab. Group B Strep is present in 30% of women and doesnt cause any symptoms at all. However, if you are positive and the baby comes in contact with it (vaginal delivery), it can cause issues with the baby. So if you are positive, you have to be on IV antibiotics when you go into labor for at least 4 hrs before the baby is born. I am hoping to not have an IV of any kind (just a Heparin Lock) so being GBS positive would stop that plan. Luckily, Im negative! So as of now, no IV! My doctor also performed my first internal exam (with the exception of when they checked during my hospital visit). At 35 weeks, I am not dilated but I am 50% effaced. I was a little surprised to have any progress at all but the real test will come if I have made any more progress. We will probably find out at my appointment on Thursday if anything has changed.
Ive been having more cramping and pain with my normal contractions over the last week. I definitely feel them in my low back and low stomach. I know its just my body practicing and I dont have to breathe through them at all. But they do give me a chance to practice some of the breathing techniques we learned in our birthing classes. They are definitely there more often when I go into work instead of working from home. I think its because when Im at home, I can put my feet up and get comfortable instead of sitting upright all day in an office chair. I will probably start working from home exclusively either next week or the week after. As of now, my first official day of maternity leave is October 7th. Anyway, Baby Abel has also been moving around a little more often over the last few days. The only problem with that is that its starting to get painful when he moves around instead of enjoyable. Sharp kicks and punches are not as much fun. And at some points, it feels like he stretches out so much that he puts pressure on some nerve or something in my lower middle back. It feels like someone is stabbing my back...not so fun.
We have also made some progress in getting ready for the baby to come home. Brad installed the car seat the other day and we washed the covers and everything. I packed up the diaper bag (that my awesome Aunt and Uncle gave us) with what we have. We still need some travel wipes and things like that and Im not going to pack clothes in there till I know how big he is going to be. I printed out a list of things to pack for our hospital bag but we are still missing some things to pack so I havent started on it quite yet. We will be purchasing those items this weekend and finalize everything we are bringing with us. We are almost there! Brad and I are definitely getting more anxious and ready to go. Im sure the next 4 weeks will DRAG on.
Brad actually tried to log on one night and put another post up but after writing a long 45 min post, it somehow got deleted and he gave up. Im gonna bug him till he does it again. I love getting his insight :).
How far along? 36 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 38 lbs...Definitely retaining water (yucky swollen feet)
Sleep: Still up to pee a lot but now its harder to get back to sleep. That could be because its an act of God to roll over these days.
Best moment this week: GBS negative!!
Movement: Starting to hurt but glad he is moving around.
Food cravings: Still Cherry Limeades...someone mentioned doughnut holes earlier today and they sounded DELICIOUS!
Gender: Boy...still
Belly Button in or out? Out
What I miss: Seeing my feet...Im so over being pregnant.
What I am looking forward to: Believe it or not, seeing my sweet husband's face when he gets to hold his little boy for the first time.
Milestones: Full Term!!
And I will leave you with a picture of my sweet baby boy. :)
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