Wednesday, February 23, 2011
We got to see the baby!
Well the appointment went great! We got to see our little one and the heartbeat. I am actually a week behind what I thought so my due date is now October 11th. It was so amazing to see that little flicker on the ultrasound. We are both so excited for this experience. It was great telling all of our family members. Now its public! Hopefully everything else goes well. :)
Today is the day!!
Today is my first appointment! I cant wait for it to get here. Its gonna be a sloooooow day till 1:20. Im nervous about the appointment. Im sure everything will be okay but I cant shake the small fear that we wont see a heartbeat and that something is wrong. All we can do is take things 1 step at a time and know that we cant control what happens right now. If everything goes well, we will contact the extended family and let them know and probably announce on Facebook. Anyway...will update after the appointment :)
Thursday, February 17, 2011
6 more days!! 6 more days till we get to see our Little One on an ultrasound. I cant wait!! This seriously might be the longest 6 days ever. I really think Brad is excited too. We have told all of our immediate family and close friends. I told my bosses at work and they are really excited. As soon as our ultrasound comes back good next week, I think Im gonna start telling everyone else. They say once you see the heartbeat, the miscarriage rate drops to 2%. This blog will be shared with the world :). Same symptoms are here. Sore boobs, sleepy, little nauseous. Nothing new but some heartburn at night. Maybe that means my baby will be born with hair...at least thats what they say. I am DEFINITELY counting down the days...
Have a great day!!
Have a great day!!
Monday, February 14, 2011
The tale of the Lemon Drops...
Welp...another week down. Just 9 more days till my first appointment! Yesterday was my worst day of nausea so far. I spent most of the day laying on the couch, trying to do laundry in between. All I wanted was some lemon drops (Ive heard they help) but Brad was at work and everyone else was in Spring Hill (30 min away). I would have gone myself but Brad had my car...anyway. Just like a sweet husband, he stopped by the gas station by the apartment to pick some up for me. He spend 15 min searching all over that place for lemon drops...there were NONE to be found. So he brought me some crackers and cuddled up with me. So this morning, I decided to stop by Walmart and pick some up...but wait!! Walmart doesnt have them either. So I picked up some Crystal Light Lemonade candies...not really what I was looking for. So tonight, I finally stopped by Walgreens...it was my last shot. And lo and behold, they had them! YAY!! So now I have 2 boxes and life is good...at least till I get nauseous again.
Another highlight of my day...I got an email today about a coupon code...for a free baby sling! Its from www.sevenslings.com and they are awesome! It was only for today and all I had to do was pay shipping. After I got that, it gave me ANOTHER coupon code for a free nursing blanket (which my wonderful parents bought for me) from www.uddercovers.com!! So I got 2 things, worth $80.00, for $20.00! Definitely AWESOME! Those were our first baby purchases...little bits at a time :)
Hopefully I can get Brad on here sometime to chat about what he thinks...although I think itll be a tough sell to get him on here.
Another highlight of my day...I got an email today about a coupon code...for a free baby sling! Its from www.sevenslings.com and they are awesome! It was only for today and all I had to do was pay shipping. After I got that, it gave me ANOTHER coupon code for a free nursing blanket (which my wonderful parents bought for me) from www.uddercovers.com!! So I got 2 things, worth $80.00, for $20.00! Definitely AWESOME! Those were our first baby purchases...little bits at a time :)
Hopefully I can get Brad on here sometime to chat about what he thinks...although I think itll be a tough sell to get him on here.
Friday, February 11, 2011
Friday Friday Friday
Today isnt any special day besides a Friday...which I LOVE! Still feeling pretty good. I dont have morning sickness, I have afternoon sickness. Usually around the time Im about to leave from work, I get nauseous. Not fun to be that way when you are driving home. It usually lasts until I get some food in me and then if I get hungry again, I start to feel sick again. So basically I just need to keep eating. I might have to start keeping some crackers in my car.
So Monday starts week 7. Apparently my little thing has a heartbeat now. Which is AWESOME! I cant wait for my appointment on the 23rd. Im really hoping they will do an ultrasound and we will be able to see the heartbeat. We are still working on getting a house...hopefully we will get some good news soon. Anyway, I am now done procrastinating...back to work.
So Monday starts week 7. Apparently my little thing has a heartbeat now. Which is AWESOME! I cant wait for my appointment on the 23rd. Im really hoping they will do an ultrasound and we will be able to see the heartbeat. We are still working on getting a house...hopefully we will get some good news soon. Anyway, I am now done procrastinating...back to work.
Monday, February 7, 2011
6 weeks!
Tomorrow marks the beginning of my 6th week. Kinda crazy! I had a realization today that I told the doctor the wrong date! Which is AWESOME! I called in today and got my appointment moved up a week. My appointment is now on Feb 23rd at 1:20PM. That is 2 weeks from Wednesday! Much closer than March 2nd.
Anyway, so Im still feeling pretty good. My boobs hurt like CRAZY! Im still ridiculously tired but I havent really started the sickness thing yet. My stomach feels SLIGHTLY unsettled but my mom said she didnt have any sickness with her first one. Maybe itll pass down.
We told both families on Saturday. Everyone is REALLY excited about it. My mom is already trying to buy stuff for the baby and Brad's mom is trying to figure out what she wants the baby to call her. Im pretty sure my parents will be Nana and Papa. Brad's parents havent really decided yet. Im sure itll be great though.
Its so nice that everyone close to me knows now. I have a great support structure now. I can call both my mom and Brad's mom to make sure everything Im feeling is normal. Hopefully after my doctors appointment we can start telling more people. I cant wait!!
Anyway, so Im still feeling pretty good. My boobs hurt like CRAZY! Im still ridiculously tired but I havent really started the sickness thing yet. My stomach feels SLIGHTLY unsettled but my mom said she didnt have any sickness with her first one. Maybe itll pass down.
We told both families on Saturday. Everyone is REALLY excited about it. My mom is already trying to buy stuff for the baby and Brad's mom is trying to figure out what she wants the baby to call her. Im pretty sure my parents will be Nana and Papa. Brad's parents havent really decided yet. Im sure itll be great though.
Its so nice that everyone close to me knows now. I have a great support structure now. I can call both my mom and Brad's mom to make sure everything Im feeling is normal. Hopefully after my doctors appointment we can start telling more people. I cant wait!!
Friday, February 4, 2011
Who am I?
Welcome to my thoughts about the next 9 (well 8) months! Thats right! Im pregnant! Crazy! Anyway...some background.
5 months ago, my husband (Brad) and I got married. It was a beautiful wedding although sometimes I wish more people had made it. Like every couple, we have our ups and downs...but WAY more ups than downs. He is the love of my life and I cant imagine being without him. We've known each other for the last 3 years and actually moved in together as best friends before we realized we wanted to be together forever. He is first and foremost my best friend.
Anyway...so we decided that when the new year came around, I would go off my birth control. I had done some research and found that it takes the average couple 6 months to get pregnant. I figured we were good! However, I had forgotten that my mother warned me when we got married. She said "When you decide to have kids, make sure you are REALLY ready. Because I got pregnant right we when started trying". I should have listened! I stopped taking my b/c on New Years Day and I found out on Jan. 31st that I was pregnant!
My first reaction was shock...I hadnt told Brad that I suspected anything and it was the day before I was supposed to start my period. I took the test then decided to take care of taking the dogs out and feeding them and everything while it sat. The whole time, I was thinking that I was silly...Im not pregnant. Im just being crazy. I walked back into the bathroom and saw 2 pink lines. I laughed and laughed...partly out of excitement and partly out of terror. This is uncharted territory for me. I have NO idea what to expect. Brad wasnt due to be home for another 3 hours...I swear it was the longest 3 hours of my life. When he came home, I had left the positive test on the table in the living room where I knew he would sit to eat some dinner. I went into the kitchen to heat up some food for him and just waited for him to find it. When he finally saw it, he was in disbelief. Completely surprised. He didnt actually recover until about a day and a half later. He made me take 2 MORE tests to be sure! He has finally embraced it and he is really excited about it. He worries about me and takes care of me. I really do have an AMAZING husband.
Ive only known for 4 days but already my life has changed. I am eating healthier, taking vitamins, and one of the harder things for me, stopped drinking Miller Lite. I think the worst part of this week is not being able to tell my mom yet. My mom is out of the country till tomorrow (2/5) and I cant talk to her on the phone. Of course since this is my first pregnancy, every little twinge down there makes me freak out. I have relied heavily on Google to make sure everything Im feeling is normal (so far it is). Thankfully, mom comes back tomorrow and we get to pick her up from the airport. I cant wait to have her home and be able to call her and make sure she went through the same things.
We are telling both sets of parents tomorrow and this child will be the first Grandchild on both sides. His parents are coming to eat lunch with us tomorrow. We are telling them by giving them a floor plan of our new house (we are hopefully starting to build soon) with relabeled rooms such as "Grandparents Room" and "Baby's Room". My parents are coming back into town from a cruise and we are picking them up from the airport with words written on the window of the car saying "Welcome home Grandma and Grandpa!". I know my mom is going to BAWL! She has been asking for grandchildren since we got married. My dad might cry too. I cant wait to have that support system back.
So now you might be asking..."How are you feeling?". Well thanks for asking! I feel pretty good. I am around 5 weeks along (according to websites, Im due on October 11th). I dont think Ive ever been more tired in my life. I feel like I could sleep all day. I feel bad for Brad because whenever Im home, I just want to sleep and sleep and sleep. Other that that, Im good! No sickness or anything (if I get it, they say itll start next week). Every once in a while, I feel pressure in my lower abdomen but according to numerous sites, thats normal. Im a bit of a dork...I research EVERYTHING!. Part of me hopes that I have no morning sickness but they say that people with more morning sickness, have more successful pregnancies. Hmmm...either no sickness or better chance of healthy baby. What a terrible choice! Oh well. Ill just take it as it comes and remember that it means everything is going well. My first appointment is on March 2nd...it seems WAY far away. Im kinda hoping we will get to hear the heartbeat and everything but I just dont know.
Anyway...if I start puking everywhere, Ill let you know ;)
5 months ago, my husband (Brad) and I got married. It was a beautiful wedding although sometimes I wish more people had made it. Like every couple, we have our ups and downs...but WAY more ups than downs. He is the love of my life and I cant imagine being without him. We've known each other for the last 3 years and actually moved in together as best friends before we realized we wanted to be together forever. He is first and foremost my best friend.
Anyway...so we decided that when the new year came around, I would go off my birth control. I had done some research and found that it takes the average couple 6 months to get pregnant. I figured we were good! However, I had forgotten that my mother warned me when we got married. She said "When you decide to have kids, make sure you are REALLY ready. Because I got pregnant right we when started trying". I should have listened! I stopped taking my b/c on New Years Day and I found out on Jan. 31st that I was pregnant!
My first reaction was shock...I hadnt told Brad that I suspected anything and it was the day before I was supposed to start my period. I took the test then decided to take care of taking the dogs out and feeding them and everything while it sat. The whole time, I was thinking that I was silly...Im not pregnant. Im just being crazy. I walked back into the bathroom and saw 2 pink lines. I laughed and laughed...partly out of excitement and partly out of terror. This is uncharted territory for me. I have NO idea what to expect. Brad wasnt due to be home for another 3 hours...I swear it was the longest 3 hours of my life. When he came home, I had left the positive test on the table in the living room where I knew he would sit to eat some dinner. I went into the kitchen to heat up some food for him and just waited for him to find it. When he finally saw it, he was in disbelief. Completely surprised. He didnt actually recover until about a day and a half later. He made me take 2 MORE tests to be sure! He has finally embraced it and he is really excited about it. He worries about me and takes care of me. I really do have an AMAZING husband.
Ive only known for 4 days but already my life has changed. I am eating healthier, taking vitamins, and one of the harder things for me, stopped drinking Miller Lite. I think the worst part of this week is not being able to tell my mom yet. My mom is out of the country till tomorrow (2/5) and I cant talk to her on the phone. Of course since this is my first pregnancy, every little twinge down there makes me freak out. I have relied heavily on Google to make sure everything Im feeling is normal (so far it is). Thankfully, mom comes back tomorrow and we get to pick her up from the airport. I cant wait to have her home and be able to call her and make sure she went through the same things.
We are telling both sets of parents tomorrow and this child will be the first Grandchild on both sides. His parents are coming to eat lunch with us tomorrow. We are telling them by giving them a floor plan of our new house (we are hopefully starting to build soon) with relabeled rooms such as "Grandparents Room" and "Baby's Room". My parents are coming back into town from a cruise and we are picking them up from the airport with words written on the window of the car saying "Welcome home Grandma and Grandpa!". I know my mom is going to BAWL! She has been asking for grandchildren since we got married. My dad might cry too. I cant wait to have that support system back.
So now you might be asking..."How are you feeling?". Well thanks for asking! I feel pretty good. I am around 5 weeks along (according to websites, Im due on October 11th). I dont think Ive ever been more tired in my life. I feel like I could sleep all day. I feel bad for Brad because whenever Im home, I just want to sleep and sleep and sleep. Other that that, Im good! No sickness or anything (if I get it, they say itll start next week). Every once in a while, I feel pressure in my lower abdomen but according to numerous sites, thats normal. Im a bit of a dork...I research EVERYTHING!. Part of me hopes that I have no morning sickness but they say that people with more morning sickness, have more successful pregnancies. Hmmm...either no sickness or better chance of healthy baby. What a terrible choice! Oh well. Ill just take it as it comes and remember that it means everything is going well. My first appointment is on March 2nd...it seems WAY far away. Im kinda hoping we will get to hear the heartbeat and everything but I just dont know.
Anyway...if I start puking everywhere, Ill let you know ;)
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