Tuesday, August 9, 2011

55 days...

 55 days...that's all that's left. Kinda crazy when you think about it. 55 days is not very long. That's 8 weeks. 2 months. A little overwhelming but itll all work out. I have a doctors appointment tomorrow. Itll be the same ol stuff. Pee in a cup, weight, measurements, heartrate...blah blah blah. Only difference this time is Im seeing a new doctor. Ive been rotating around the practice just in case my doctor isnt on call on a night Im in the hospital. So far Ive only seen 1 different one and I liked her a lot. Now Im seeing someone completely different and Ive heard good and bad things about her. Basically what Im getting is that she is very blunt and doesnt play around. Which is fine...makes the appointments faster and I rarely have any issues or questions anyway. All of the doctors in the practice are female (which is nice) and most of them already have children so they understand what Im going through.
We also have two different pediatrician appointments scheduled this week. We are meeting one in Spring Hill and one in Franklin. The one in Spring Hill was recommended by a friend and is supposed to be pretty great. The other one is me and my brother's pediatrician from when we were younger. She is really sweet but she is in Franklin (20 min away). The interviews are really for Brad to get comfortable with the doctor we are trusting. He is less confident with doctors and has to be REALLY comfortable with one before he will truly take their advice. Im more trusting than he is. I would just pick one and be done with it. I guess my outlook is that they have been through a lot of schooling to get where they are and if a friend recommends them, they are probably pretty darn good. Now if I were looking at a doctor that was completely unknown to anyone, Id be a little more leery but thats not really the situation here. Hopefully one of the two we are seeing this week will be perfect for Baby Abel and Brad and we wont have to do any more interviews but you never know.
So as the 3rd trimester rolls on, Ive been experiencing a few more aches and pains. On Sunday night, he was sitting right on my sciatic nerve and I could barely walk. Thankfully, he moved off of it when I was sleeping and Ive been okay since then. For about a week, my heartburn disappeared and it was AMAZING! Of course now its back with a vengeance and TUMS are my best friend once again. Ive also been getting this weird pain (kinda feels like a running cramp) in my upper back on the right side. Of course, me being a google fiend, I researched it. Turns out that as your uterus expands, its starts to push on your ribs, which in turn, runs pain to your back. Its really annoying and only happens when I sit down. If it starts to hurt (which is often), I have to stand up and stretch out my back to get it to go away...or have Brad push really hard on it for a bit. Baby Abel has been moving a little less...not scary less...more like "I have less room" less. He does more rolls and stretches than actual kicks. When he does kick, its pretty painful. I felt him have the hiccups for the first time last night. It was crazy feeling. Just like little rhythmic taps. I cant wait to have him here :).
Our Shower is this weekend!! Im so excited to spend some time with friends and family and celebrate the little one. We also get to show off our new house to people who havent been here yet. I dont know what we are going to do with the dogs yet (they get pretty hyper with new people around). We might just put them up in the bonus room in their crates for a while. We got our crib set up and in the room! We are also getting the rocker this weekend and a good friend of ours is giving us their baby dresser/changing table. The furniture will be set up by the weekend! Ive washed all of the clothes that we have so far and all of the blankets we have been given. Now I have to get the rest of the house ready for the shower. This means a TON of organizing and cleaning before Sunday. I really hope more people come to the baby shower than my wedding shower. It was a little depressing. I still need to go find a cute outfit for the weekend :). Anyway...enough rambling.

How far along? 32 Weeks

Total weight gain/loss: 25 lbs...yuck :(

Sleep: Sleeping pretty well. My hips are starting to hurt and last night I had a little trouble falling back asleep around 1:30.

Best moment this week: Little baby hiccups :)

Movement: Less kicks, more rolls.

Food cravings: Fruit Roll Ups and Cherry Limeades from Sonic

Gender:  Boy

Belly Button in or out? Out

What I miss: My normal disposition without the moodiness and hormones.

What I am looking forward to: The Baby Shower!!

Milestones: Getting the nursery somewhat ready :)

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