Wednesday, March 30, 2011

12 weeks 1 day

Yesterday was a magical day. Well, not really. Yesterday we hit 12 weeks. For some people, that means out of the first trimester. People usually have 3 different theories on how to calculate trimesters. For the 12 week people, 12 weeks is when the critical development time is over. The next theory is 13 weeks, basically 39 weeks divided by 3. The 3rd theory is 13 weeks and 3 days, 40 weeks divided by 3. I think Im gonna go by the 3rd theory. I wont be out of the first trimester till 13 weeks and 3 days.

We have our next appointment on April 19th. Just another basic one...weight, blood pressure, fetal heartbeat. However, just 4 weeks after that one is our anatomy scan! Hopefully we will be able to find out the sex of the baby and really start some planning. As you might have been able to tell by Brad's post, he is a realist. He doesnt really like to talk about names or baby purchases because he doesnt want to jinx anything. On the other hand, I get really excited about things and start to plan from day one. Im ready to start looking at car seats and changing tables but he just isnt ready to go there yet. Im really thinking that once we find out the sex, Brad will want to start doing that planning stuff.

Im still not really showing at all. Maybe just a little rounder in my lower belly. My doctor said Ill probably be showing more by my next visit. She also said Ill be able to feel some movements around the visit after that. Im hoping that I might get to feel some movement when we go to Panama City Beach in the first week of May.

The doctors appointments have been going well. Our last one they asked me about risk factors (physical and mental defects) that run in my family. The only one I could say yes to was "does anyone on your maternal side have diabetes". My Mom's brother has adult onset diabetes so that one was a yes. It took the doctor about a minute to find the heartbeat (11 weeks is still a little early to find it reliably). However, once she found it, it was just beating away at 162BPM. Our baby is thriving and getting bigger by the day. They also asked us if we wanted to do any genetic screening at all. We decided not to, we will love our baby no matter what. Knowing the risks wont change anything and there is no reason to worry unnecessarily.

I still go through days when I start to realize how much our lives are going to change. Sometimes I wonder if we are truly ready for it. Everyone always says that being a mom is the best thing in the world. Im sure it is...but I also know that I cant truly fathom that until my time actually comes. Right now Im just taking it day by day and hoping that everything will turn out okay.

As for how I feel this week, I feel pretty good! Im much less tired, no more naps. Not sick or anything. The last 2 days Ive had a horrible headache but I dont really think thats a pregnancy symptom. The spring is here and I think its a sinus thing. I need to go buy some allergy meds and start taking them everyday. Maybe Ill send Brad out to get some today. :)

Have a great day everyone!

P.S. Dont I just have the most wonderful husband? He is my rock and I love him more than you know :).

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